Schematic Diagram of C-TECH cSport Devices

cSport devices comprise of a set of Apparel connected to an DC pulses power generator (Oscillator). The Oscillator generates electric pulses which are converted into electric field transmitted from the Apparel surface into the body. The electric field induces micro-level electric charge polarization in the body surface and in interfaces of tissues inside the body. The electric charge polarization causes micro-level muscle strain and pools blood cells to reach the skin layer near the surface, inducing calorie burning by the muscle and effective micro-level blood circulation up to near skin surface.

Apparel Technology

Inside the Apparel are arranged a set of capacitance electrodes that transmit the electric field into the body.


Aparel cSport digunakan bersama oscillator, yaitu alat pembangkit medan listrik bertenaga batere AA yang bisa diisi ulang; saat dipakai bisa dimasukkan ke dalam kantong apparel yang disediakan.

Oscillator ECBS mengeluarkan gelombang listrik untuk membangkitkan medan listrik pada permukaan apparel dengan frekuensi tertentu yang diprogram agar bisa berinteraksi dengan otot dan jaringan di dalam tubuh pemakai. Beberapa program telah disediakan antara lain: B1: Untuk meningkatkan metabolisme sel dan organ; A1: Untuk stimulasi jaringan otot kecil; A2: Untuk stimulasi jaringan otot sedang; A3: Stimulasi jaringan otot besar; AX: Kombinasi A1~A3. Mintalah program oscillator ECBS sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda di outlet cSport.

Electric Field Detector

The EFD (Electric Field Detector) is a device used to detect electric fields emitted by the ECBS Apparel. It is used to determine whether the Apparel is usable and to ensure the ECBS is in normal condition.