Usage Hours & Outcomes

4-6 Hours per day / 3-4X per week:

• Helps maintain blood flow throughout the body, maintains body fitness and increases stamina

• Helps keep the cells young, helps prevent chronical illnesses, stroke, dementia, brain aging

6-8 Hours per day / 4-5X per week:

• Helps maintain healthy and ideal body shape with no strict diet and heavy workout

12+ Hours per day / 5x per week:

• Achieve athletic body shape

For optimum results, wear the jacket for 8 to 12 hours in total (you may wear it not continuously, and either during the day or night) for 5 days a week.

NOTE: During the adaptation process (the first week), use the jacket for a short time (total maximum usage time is 6 to 8 hours a day) and not continuously, and start with a low voltage (20 Vpp). If there is no complaint regarding any side effect, you may gradually increase the voltage and the usage time.

Usage Instructions

Recommendations for Optimum Results

  1. In order to reach a significant waist circumference (5 to 10cm per month for the first months), you need to meet the optimum usage target, which is 8 to 12 hours per day for 5 days a week. To meet the target, make a habit out of wearing c-Sport while performing your routine e.g. at work, at home, during the trip to and from work in your car, while at home after work/school, or while sleeping. You may do this once you have passed the adaptation process.
  2. Wear the c-Sport jacket/vest close to the body as wearing it loose may not yield the desired result. However, do not wear it too tight to the point of you being difficult to breath.
  3. Wear the jacket/vest over a layer or two of cotton t-shirt that absorbs sweat. The c-Sport jacket is made of waterproof material. However, if the sweat is excessive, your body may be able to feel the electric current/electrocute. This does not harm the body as the current is low (max. 1A, +/-20V0, but it may cause discomfort for a relatively long wear. Immediately replace the damp t-shirt with a dry one.
  4. Prepare the external charger as well as the spare batteries, and routinely replace the batteries, e.g. before leaving to work, to avoid the power running out while being used. Note: a new/normal battery may be used continuously for 16 to 24 hours.
  5. Even though the possibility is very low, the electrostatic generated by the c-Sport jacket/vest may cause free charge, which, if accumulated, may cause electrocution when holding a metal object, or cause fire when being near to a flammable material (e.g. gasoline). Note: the c-Sport jacket/vest is equipped with a grounding system to minimize the electrostatic effect. However, do not wear it near any flammable material or while refueling the tank of your car/motorcycle.
  6. Drink enough water to help with the detoxification process.
  7. Exercise lightly and routinely e.g. 30 to 60 minutes, once to twice a week to help getting rid of the fat remains through sweating.
  8. Even though you may not have to change your diet, you are advised to have a balanced diet. Wearing the c-Sport jacket/ vest immediately after consuming fatty or high-calorie food may help the digestion/fat burning process to avoid fat accumulating in the body. Be mindful of the excess gas as the result of fat burning.
  9. Consuming healthy protein as well as exercising lightly help increase the muscle forming for the c-Sport user who wants to achieve their desired body.

Reactions and Side Effects

Positive Reactions That May Occur

A lot of gas, plenty and oily urine, feces is pale yellow (sometimes gray) and oily and tends to float, which shows a low weight due to broken down fat. During the beginning, the body may often detoxify, which is marked with dark-colored urine and feces.

Side Effects That May Occur

  1. Generally there is no excess or heavy side effect. However, the gas produced by the broken down fat or detoxification may cause it to pile up in the stomach and intestines, which causes bloating and diarrhea-like defecation. This may last for the first 2 weeks if the total usage time is over 6 to 8 hours per day. Stop using the device temporarily if the excretion happens too often.
  2. Weak electric field caused by the c-Sport jacket generates electrostatic, which causes the skin to dry. Those with the skin allergic to electrostatic may experience itchiness or allergy, such as the skin turns red when using the device in an air-conditioned/cold room or when sweating. To reduce the electrostatic effect, wear a dry clothe made from cotton before donning the jacket. You may also use a moisturizing lotion on the skin. The effect may occur for 2 weeks to one month; stop using the jacket if the allergic reaction continues for over one month.
  3. An excess usage may cause muscle fatigue. If you have a problematic liver, you are not advised to use the c-Sport jacket as it may burden the liver.
  4. If you have a stomach ulcer/gastritis and typhoid, you are not advised to use the c-Sport jacket as the gas caused by the detoxification process can aggravate your condition –or you may use the device for a limited time as instructed by your doctor or the medical physicist team.
  5. The c-Sport jacket is not designed as a therapy for those who are diagnosed with cancer. Cancer patients ARE NOT ADVISED to use the c-Sport jacket as well as pregnant women.
  6. The c-Sport jacket generally does not cause any reaction/ side effect if you are healthy. If you have any complaint after using the jacket, IMMEDIATELY STOP using it and consult with your doctor about any plausible cause of problems with your body.

Device Maintenances

cSport Device Maintenance:

  1. Use a dryer if the Apparel is wet or damp from sweat.
  2. To clean the Apparel dry-clean or wet soft brush to brush off the Apparel surface, do not use machine wash or in water.
  3. Use cold or warm fan to dry wet Apparel; do not use heat or dry under direct sunlight.
  4. Neatly fold the Apparel after every use; fold the Apparel by following the patterns of indentation in order not to create new patterns.
  5. Do not stack heavy items on top of the Apparel.
  6. Use EFD (Electric Field Detector) regularly to detect electric fields emitted by the ECBS Apparel to ensure that the device is in normal condition.
  7. Calibrate the ECBS devices at the appointed service center every 1 to 2 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anda akan mendapat jawaban dari pertanyaan yang seringkali ditanyakan mengenai c-Sport
1Bagaimana cara c-Sport bekerja merampingkan tubuh?
Jaket c-Sport menghasilkan medan listrik dengan rentang frekuensi antara 1 Hz – 100 kHz dan voltase maksimum pada permukaan alat sebesar +/-20V (40 Vpp). Medan listrik yang dihasilkan memberikan stimulasi pada organ yang dilingkupi oleh Jaket c-Sport yang mempunyai efek refleksi pada organ di daerah tersebut. Stimulasi listrik pada jaringan akan meningkatkan metabolisme sel pada jaringan tersebut dan mendorong konsumsi energi serta peredaran darah yang lebih lancar dari/ke jaringan. Akibat dari peningkatan metabolisme dan konsumsi energi dalam waktu lama (pemakaian lebih dari 2 jam) terjadi pembakaran lemak. Proses pembakaran lemak ini akan menghasilkan gas (CO2) dan air (H2O) serta sisa lemak yang akan diserap oleh tubuh dan dibuang dalam bentuk gas, urin dan feses.
2Siapa saja yang TIDAK BOLEH memakai alat ini?
1. Penderita liver bermasalah, karena bisa menambah beban terhadap liver
2. Penderita maag/gastritis dan thypus, karena banyaknya gas yang dihasilkan dari proses detoksifikasi bisa memperparah kondisi maag atau thypus, atau gunakan dengan waktu terbatas atas petunjuk dokter/fisika medis
3. Penderita kanker
4. Pemakaian untuk ibu hamil
3Apakah alat ini boleh digunakan saat tidur?
Boleh. Alat ini dapat digunakan dalam berbagai aktifitas selain aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan air
4Berapa banyak pengurangan lingkar perut setelah pemakaian?
Rata-rata 1-3 cm perbulan.
5Berapa lama pemakaian c-Sport?
Bisa dipakai selama total 8-12 jam boleh secara terputus-putus (bisa siang atau malam) 5 Hari Seminggu.
CATATAN: Untuk masa awal/adaptasi (1 minggu pertama) gunakan jam pemakaian yang lebih sedikit (total maksimum 6-8 jam sehari) secara tak berketerusan, dan mulai dengan voltase rendah (20Vpp), dan apabila tak ada keluhan terhadap efek samping bisa dinaikan secara bertahap voltase dan jam pemakaiannya.
6Respon positif apa yang akan dirasakan pengguna selama memakai c-Sport?
Gas banyak, urin banyak dan berminyak, feses berwarna kuning muda kadang abu-abu serta berminyak dan cenderung mengambang menunjukkan berat jenis yang rendah karena banyak lemak yang terurai. Pada saat awal pemakaian bisa terjadi banyak detoksifikasi dari tubuh ditandai dengan urin warna pekat dan feses warna gelap. Berikut beberapa penjelasan mengenai respon positif yang mungkin terjadi.
1. Gas Banyak. Banyaknya gas dari hasil penguraian lemak atau detoksifikasi bisa mengakibatkan menumpuknya gas di lambung dan usus yang menyebabkan kembung, banyak buang-buang air seperti diare. Proses ini bisa berlangsung selama 2 minggu awal apabila pemakaian total lebih dari 6-8 jam per hari. Apabila gas atau buang-buang air terlalu banyak, alat perlu dihentikan sementara.
2. Medan listrik yang dihasilkan oleh c-Sport menghasilkan elektro statis yang bisa menyebabkan kulit kering, bagi kulit yang alergi terhadap elektro statis bisa menyebabkan gatal-gatal atau alergi seperti kulit memerah terutama pemakaian di ruangan AC/dingin. Untuk mengurangi efek elektro statis, selalu gunakan satu lapis pakaian dari katun didalam sebelum Jaket, bisa memakai lotion pelembab kulit. Awal pemakaian efek seperti ini bisa muncul hingga 2 minggu atau 1 bulan. Apabila terjadi alergi terlalu berlebih atau terlalu lama (lebih dari 1 bulan), hentikan penggunaan alat.
3. Pemakaian yang berlebihan bisa menyebabkan kelelahan otot (muscle fatique) atau kecapaian meyerupai efek olah raga.
Jika setelah pemakaian reaksi pembuangan ekstrim, mual, pusing terlalu berlebihan, kemungkinan dan masalah pada sistem pencernaan, hentikan alat sementara, konsul ulang untuk penyesuaian jam pemakaian, atau konsul ke dokter untuk kemungkinan masalah pada sistem pencernaan.
7Memakai c-Sport harus pakai baju dalam atau langsung kena ke kulit?
Harus ada baju terlebih dulu, tidak boleh menempel ke kulit.
8Waktu efektif memakai berapa jam? Apakah boleh dipakai sambil tidur?
Pemakaian antara 8-12 Jam/hari dalam 5 hari/minggu. Pemakaiannya bisa langsung atau diputus-putus.
Penggunaan di 1-2 pekan awal, hanya 6-8 jam/hari.
Pemakaian saat tidur diperbolehkan.
9Baterai tahan berapa jam? Apakah boleh dipakai langsung sambung ke listrik jika power habis?
Baterai bisa digunakan antara 12-20 Jam. Sebaiknya menggunakan charger external (yang berwarna putih).
10Satu paket minimal mempunyai komponen alat apa saja?
a. Apparel (Rompi/corset/back corset/pants)
b. Oscillator (kotak hitam yang mempunyai kabel) berfungsi untuk pembangkit gelombang medan listri, ini harus dihibubgkan ke apparel ketika digunakan
c. EFD (kotak hitam tanpa kabel) berfungsi untuk mengecek apparelnya berfungsi atau tidak
11Apa itu EFD?
EFD adalah singkatan dari Electric Field Detector atau detektor medan listrik. EFD dipakai untuk mengecek apakah c-Sport masih bekerja.
12Bagaimana cara menggunakan EFD?
Apparelnya dihubungkan dengan oscillator, kemudian dinyalakan. EFDnya dinyalakan dan didekatkan ke apparel dengan bagian lampu menghadap luar. Jika berbunyi, artinya alatnya berfungsi. Pengujian hanya bisa dilakukan dalam jangka waktu 5 menit
13Kenapa harus beli Oscillator?
Oscillator merupakan komponen elektronik yang wajib ada pada c-Sport. Oscillator diperlukan untuk membangkitkan gelombang listrik dari sumber listrik dua buah baterai yang nantinya akan disebarkan oleh apparel untuk menstimulus tubuh dengan medan listriknya

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